Rookie of the Year Overview

Kayak fishing is a growing sport. Currently tens of thousands of anglers compete in tournaments across the nation (and world) every year. In North Carolina, which hosts some of the longest running and most respected kayak fishing competitions, CKA has done its part to grow the sport, support local fishing economies and also do charitable work.

As a result, attendance increases with every CKA season bringing new anglers to the sport. When CKA entered its 5th season (2018) we established a new prize category, the Rookie of the Year. This category recognizes anglers who are new to CKA’s tournament trail.

The CKA Rookie of the Year is determined as follows:

  • The Rookie who achieves the three highest event point totals at the conclusion of the season (plus their Gate City Kayak Classic score) will be Rookie of the Year.
  • Eligible participants cannot have fished more than one CKA event in any previous season.
  • No additional entry fee required – we track the Rookie points within the AOY standings.
  • Eligible participants will have their (3) best finishing point events plus the Gate City Classic count towards the title.
  • Please contact CKA via Facebook Messenger and/or the CKA Website to identify yourself as eligible and that you will be participating.
  • Prize announcements are posted regularly on the site (search for the “ROY” key word).
  • Rookie of the Year receives an automatic bid to the entry-free Tournament of Champions in October.

ROY points also determine a range of benefits for anglers:

  • The overall Rookie of the Year designation and associated prizes
  • The top 10% of the AOY standings qualify for the Kayak Bass Fishing National Championship (KBF NC spots do roll down in the case of anglers who previously qualified, but not roll past the 25th spot; some KBF spots are awarded to top rookies on a discretionary basis).
  • The top 25 in the AOY standings qualify for the CKA Tournament of Champions

To become a CKA member and retain your points for the 2023 AOY and ROY races, click here to access the CKA page on Fishing Chaos, then click JOIN.

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