CKA Anglers at 2021 KBF Events

2021 saw CKA anglers travel, compete and win at various levels of KBF competition. CKA anglers once again showed that North Carolina produces kayak bass fishing talent at every level of the sport.

This page recognizes their hard work and celebrates their achievements. Before proceeding, CKA staff thanks everyone who represented North Carolina in these events.

KBF events are sorted into 3 categories below: KBF Trail tournaments, KBF Challenges and the KBF National Championship.

  1. KBF Trail Events    & Trail Series Championship                                 

Where the National Championship (see section 3 below) is currently the largest kayak fishing tournament event in the world, KBF Trail events are large regional events where anglers must travel, compete on large lakes and earn AOY points.

CKA anglers represented North Carolina at a high level in 2021 Trail events. This section lists the most notable results of the season.

The best KBF Trail finishes by CKA anglers were as follows:

Dontrell Sullivan, 3rd Place    KBF Trail, Potomac River I

Cory Dreyer, 4th Place            KBF Trail, Kissimmee

Cory Dreyer, 10th place        KBF TRAIL Championship

William Queen, 12th place     KBF TRAIL St Clair II

Additionally, the KBF Trail Series Championship was held alongside the KBF National Championship  this year. In it, Cory Dreyer finished 10th overall.


  1. KBF Challenges & Challenge Series Championship

Kayak Bass Fishing holds two categories of “Challenge” events every season. First, there are the popular KBF Monthly Challenges, which are organized by state. Second, there are the “Special Challenges” that generally run Friday – Sunday and are regional events. These are divided into Night Fishing Events (“One Night Stands”) and Special Challenges that mark important calendar dates like Father’s Day, etc.Additionally, the “Weekend Warrior” events were required to compile points toward the state champion title.

KBF held roughly 15 Special Challenges in 2021, and the best finishes by CKA anglers were as follows:

Henry Veggian 1st Place, July Weekend Warrior (Regional)
Henry Veggian 1st Place (Freedom to Fish)
Brian Tsiolkas 2nd place, July Weekend warrior

 In the other category, the North Carolina Monthly Challenges, CKA anglers earned the following notable finishes:

Henry Veggian: 2021 North Carolina State Challenge Points Champion

Shawn Worrell, 1st Place                     (January)

Henry Veggian, 1st place                     (February)

Jeremy Hicks, 1st place                        (August, September)

Finally, several CKA anglers competed in the Challenge Series Championship at Shreveport LA on Oct. 14-15, 2021. The top 3 CKA finishers in the field were:

Justin Faircloth 65th place 

Eric Nelson 69th place

Henry Veggian 92nd place

  1. The 2021 KBF National Championship

The 2021 KBF National Championship was a 3 day event with a cut after day 2. It was held on Sherveport, LA area lakes. CKA sent more than one dozen anglers to fish the tournament and several represented the club well in a field of 347 anglers. Two anglers made the day 3 cut while a few others missed it only by a few inches. Here are the top 5 CKA finishes in final standings:

Cory Dreyer 7th Place

Ryan Freeman 87th place

Justin Faircloth 109th place

Arlie Minton 112th place

 Eric Nelson 115th place

[ Note: KBF Tournament standings are searchable and archived at]

text and photos © CKA 2021