CKA Event #1 Presented by
February 20, 2021
Shearon Harris Reservoir
This page contains:
- Lake & License information
- Registration Links and Event Identifier
- Format, Boundaries and Rules (and links to complete rules)
- Launch info and Tournament Start/End Times
- Post-Event Check-In info
For additional updates, visit:
CKA on Facebook:
Lake and License Info
Shearon Harris is a legendary bass lake with a local and national reputation (B.A.S.S. ranked it #4 in the USA in 2017). Harris impounds Buckhorn Creek to create a 4,100 acre reservoir. With a complex food chain of species ranges from abundant bait fishes to apex predators such as catfish, bass, pickerel and bowfin, Harris is a unique fishery and one that regularly produces trophy size Largemouth Bass. It produced several bags over 100” in December during the charity event for the Dunn family, during which a local angler caught 3 fish weighing over 7, 8 and 10 pounds respectively.
Please be sure to obtain a valid N.C. license and follow parking regulations at the lake’s two busy launches. Motor boats launch at both ramps so be respectful and follow good ramp etiquette.
Camping and Accommodations
Shearon Harris Lake is located in a sparsely populated area without much tourism infrastructure. However, the towns of Cary/Apex are relatively close (10-15 mins) and hotels can be found there. Additionally, the Jordan Lake camp grounds are within a 15-20 minute drive of Harris Lake. For more info on reserving sites, see this link:
Registration Links and Event Identifier Cards
In order to register for the events, sign up using TourneyX. Please create a Tourney X angler account for event registration and CPR submissions if you have not done so – the basic account is free!
Tournament Fee: $50
Big bass (optional): $10
H.O.W. Donation (optional): $5
Sign up here:
The blank CKA identifier card will be posted and available n your TourneyX dashboard several days prior to the tournament. Print spares. CKA directors will also have a limited supply of spare identifiers at the ramps.
Captains Meeting
The Captains Meeting will be held on Friday evening at 8 pm prior to the event on CKA’s Facebook page:
The unique event code will be released during the captains meeting and across CKA social media at that time. DO NOT USE THE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED CODE FROM TOURNEYX!
Boundaries and Rules
Format: 5 longest fish (8” minimum length), submitted on approved measuring device (Ketch Board only), entire fish and correct, legible ID entirely in photo.
This event will largely follow KBF rules. Therefore, anglers must be familiar with and follow KBF rules as well as all lake regulations and North Carolina fishing laws and local regulations as they apply. CKA and KBF rules can be found here: CKA RULES PAGE
Additionally, there are several areas of Harris Lake are off limits to all watercraft. These prohibited areas are clearly marked by buoys, signs and lines. Any anglers caught fishing in those areas will be disqualified and risk legal action from Duke Energy, NCWRC and the Harris County Park Authority.
Remember: All CKA Tournaments are 2022 KBF National Championship Qualifying Events, but you must be a KBF member prior to the CKA event. To become a KBF member, click here:
Launch Information and Competition Times
The three permitted launches are listed below:
Holleman’s Crossing
4420 Bartley Holleman Rd, New Hill, NC, 27562
Crosspoint Boat Ramp
233 Crosspoint Rd, New Hill, NC 27562
Both ramps are 24 hour ramps and there are no launch fees.
Harris County Park may also be used, but the park opens later in the morning.
Anglers may place kayaks in water and enter kayaks at any time prior to launch stay near the ramps. Anglers must remain within 100 yards of the ramp prior to 6:00 am. Please be sure to stay away from boat lanes and remember to have 360 degree visible lights on your kayak. Civil twilight begins at 6:21 am, and it may still be dark.
Event Info
Sign up | TourneyX |
Fee | $50.00 |
Event Date | Feb 20, 2021 |
Format | 5 fish (8” minimum). Ketch board only. |
Launch | 6:30 am |
Lines In | 7:00 am |
Lines Out | 3:00 pm |
Check in / Upload Cut Off | 4 pm |
The tournament standings will be unavailable beginning at around 2 pm but you can still post fish until the cutoff. We strongly encourage anglers to post fish throughout the day so as to expedite the check in and awards.
Note: Be sure to update your phone so that browsers and apps run well. CKA Directors cannot be expected to solve technical problems with phones. Tournament directors cannot be responsible for working out technical glitches and waiting for updates on phones to complete. Technology is part of the sport – if your phone breaks, and you cannot upload fish, it’s like losing a fish that breaks your line.
We will hold the check-in at Holleman’s Boat Ramp from 3:30-5pm. All anglers must be present for prizes and checked out of the event on TourneyX by 4:00 pm. Anglers who do not check out will lose your fish for the day and will not receive AOY/ROY points. Remember to sign up for membership for the 2021 season – the link is on the front page of our website.
Anglers must be present at the post-tournament check-in to collect prizes. If you place in the money, you will be asked to remain for post-event photographs. In the absence of submitted written dispute, prizes will be distributed via PayPal within 24 hours.
Please be sure to obtain a valid N.C. license. CKA asks for proof of a valid license for anglers who win prizes.