CKA 6 Randleman Reservoir

CKA Tournament 6 Presented by TRIAD SIGNS

July 10, 2021

Randleman Lake, NC


Welcome anglers to Event #6 of the 2021 CKA tournament season, and welcome back to one of our favorite lakes! Randleman has a special place in CKA history: it was the site of the first CKA event in 2013, and it is also known for being one of the best big bass lakes in North Carolina. If CKA has a “home lake,” then Randleman is it.

TRIAD SIGNS is a division of PIP Triad and is owned by Jimmy and Judy Brumley. PIP Triad has been an award-winning industry leader offering marketing and business communication solutions since 1983. With over 37,000 square feet of sales, production, and fulfillment space PIP Printing and Marketing Services in Burlington is the largest franchise facility in the PIP network. The Brumley’s contribute their time and resources to many charitable groups including the YMCA youth programs, DARE, Hospice, American Heart Association and now supporting Carolina Kayak Anglers!

For additional updates, visit CKA on Facebook:

Lake Info

Randleman Lake is a young 3,007 acre reservoir located on the Deep River south of Greensboro, North Carolina.  The lake was opened in 2010 and quickly earned a regional and national reputation as a great Largemouth Bass fishery. Due to its status as a water supply lake Randleman is carefully managed and does not allow overnight fishing or boats to run in excess of 25 mph. Additionally, boats are not allowed north of the Highway 62 bridge. Native and stocked fish as well as significant shoreline structure and vegetation combine to make Randleman an excellent fishery.

Boundaries, Launches and Rules

Rules: Certain areas of the lake are off limits to fishing, and marked by buoys. Do not fish beyond those markers.

Please be sure to obtain a valid N.C. fishing license, and follow parking regulations at the lake’s two launches. Note that motor boats do launch at the south ramp as well (please be respectful and follow good ramp etiquette), whereas the north ramp is limited to paddle craft and electric motors. 

The tournament is a multi-launch event, and the listed access areas (below) will be the only eligible locations to launch on Lake Randleman. Keep in mind that launches at Randleman have limited space and driving access, so there will be lines. Be sure to arrive early, respect fellow boaters and be careful and helpful at the launches.

Of the 2 available launches, both will be open at 6 am. There are additional launch fees. Please keep in mind that CKA does not control access to the ramps and if a gate is closed or it opens late, there is nothing we can do.

Registration Links

If you have not yet done so, please create a Tourney X angler account for event registration and CPR submissions!


Tournament Fee: $50

Big bass (optional): $10

H.O.W. Donation (optional): $5

Please remember that launch fees at certain launches are not included in registration fees.

Captains Meeting

The Captains Meeting will be held on Friday evening at 8 pm prior to the event on CKA’s Facebook page:

The unique event code will be released during the captains meeting and across CKA social media at that time. DO NOT USE THE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED CODE FROM TOURNEYX! 

Tournament Start/End Times

  • Earliest Launch: 5:30 
  • Lines In: 6:00 a.m.
  • Lines out: 2:00 p.m.
  • Photo cut-off: 3:00 pm

You will not be able to post fish to TourneyX after 3:00 pm. This is so that judging can be completed. If you have trouble posting, be sure to leave the water early to find a signal so as to avoid delaying the judging of photos. We will not make exceptions for anglers who arrive near the end of check in asking for assistance with uploads.


There are two public ramps at Randleman Lake, and they are the only ones permitted for kayak launches. Please abide by all lake rules, as the lake rules are strictly enforced by local authorities.

The Southwest Park ramp is for paddle boats and electric motors only. The address is 6309 Southwest Park Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407. tel: (336)641-2050.

The second ramp is located at 7123 Adams Farm Road, Randleman NC 27317. It is a larger lot and ramp, but it does allow gas powered boats to launch there. Be mindful of ramp etiquette at both launches.

Post- Tournament Check-In

We will meet at the Southwest Park launch at 6309 Southwest Park Drive, Greensboro, NC 27407.
All anglers must be checked out of the event on TourneyX by 3:00 pm. The check in area will be under the picnic area near the main building/lot.  

Anglers who do not check out on TourneyX will lose your fish for the day and will not receive AOY/ROY points.

Anglers must be present at the post-tournament check-in to collect prizes.  If you place in the money, you will be asked to remain for post-event photographs. In the absence of submitted written dispute, prizes will be distributed via PayPal within 24 hours.

Please be sure to obtain a valid N.C. license. CKA asks for proof of a valid license for anglers who win prizes.

Remember: All CKA Tournaments are KBF National Championship Qualifying Events, but you must be a KBF member prior to the CKA event. To become a KBF member, click here: