CKA 2024-2025 Winter Series Concludes

The CKA Winter Series is a low-stakes series that is ideal for testing new gear, keeping the rust off and exploring new water.

This year the CKA Winter Series began on Saturday, December 14th and it will conclude with the third event on February 8th. There will then be a meet & greet at Get: Outdoors on February 22 with seminars, awards and a kick-off for the 2025 regular season.

Currently, Will Lambert has a strong lead in the points race. But with two spots in the CKA Tournament of Champions up for grabs, the race for the second spot is wide open. To see complete standings, click here:

What is the CKA Winter Series?

First, the CKA Winter Series is a Catch-Photo-Release tournament series that used the Fishing Chaos platform.  The format is your best three bass, by length. Post your limit and at the end of the event the angler with the three longest fish overall wins first place.

Second, it’s wide open; you can fish any public waters in North Carolina on tournament day.

Third, we made it affordable: there is a low entry fee of only $30 (with optional big bass side pot).

Finally, while anglers can fish individual events, they can also compete for points. Points are tracked on an automated leaderboard on Fishing Chaos that will populate as anglers post fish (it is a live series leaderboard – anglers will see real-time standings on it as they accumulate points over the three events).

What are the Prizes?

At the end of the series, the top two anglers in the final overall series standings will qualify for the 2025 CKA Tournament of Champions (pending CKA membership purchase).

The $10 optional Big Bass pays out 100% of the entry receipts.

There is a $5 hold back from the $30 tournament entry fee that pays for the Winter Series trophy and the CKA ToC payout. 100% of the remaining fees are paid back to the anglers.

Payouts: The Winter Series pays out two places for up to fifteen registered anglers, and three places for 16-39 registered anglers (at a rate of 50/30/20 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, respectively). For registration above 40 anglers, the payout climbs to 10% of the entire field.

When Is It?

The final tournament is on February 8, 2025.            

Feb. 22: Awards, Seminar and Meet & Greet at Get Outdoors pedal and Paddle (Greensboro).

Additional Info

Click here to register for the tournament on February 8.

To see the standings for the December event, click here.

To see the January 10 standings, click here.

You may use any CKA Identifier Card for the event. No other identifier will be accepted.

If you have questions, reach out to CKA through our Facebook page or through our email address.

We encourage new anglers to use these winter events to meet other club members.  CKA is a community as well as a competition.

All content and photos © Carolina Kayak Anglers LLC, 2025.

Updated on February 5, 2025.

First Published November 29, 2024. This article contains some text from the 2023 Winter Series post.

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