Boorsma is Victorious at Mack, Lanier takes AOY Lead

Boorsma is Victorious at Mack, Lanier takes AOY Lead

Introduction Mackintosh was one of the most highly anticipated events of the season and the CKA turnout was exceptional – especially for a mid-summer event. Thank you to all who competed! While Mack did not show out with century club limit lengths, it did deliver huge fish – over one dozen bass over 20” in length were caught, including Jeremy Way’s 22.5” toad, which is the new top catch in the Str8Up Mounts Big Bass contest for the season. Also, our new sponsor delivered in a big way, by hosting…

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AOY & ROY Updates

AOY & ROY Updates

Hi everyone, and thanks again to all who braved the grind at Shearon Harris! The big news is that there are new points leaders across the board! The top 50 in the AOY race, the top 20 in the ROY race, and also complete standings can be accessed at the links below. Get ready for Jordan Lake on July 14th! Link to AOY standings : Link to ROY standings :

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